SOK x iliveglobally

events & collaborations for expats and English speaking community of Moscow by SOK x iliveglobally
what to expect
movie night. the social dilemma by Netflix
We tweet, we like, and we share – but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? As digital platforms increasingly become a lifeline to stay connected, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing what’s hiding on the other side of your screen.
for working parents
we organize kids care service for children 6+ years old. children will be in another meeting room with our experienced, smart, funny and caring Mary Poppins

*a prior reservation is a must
further plans
join our community & enjoy our special events and collaborations
◇ a book discussion club, in English
◇ networking events of all kinds
◇ music events, listening sessions and pop-up evenings
◇ retreats
◇ workshops
◇ excursions and art lectures
◇ weekend trips
◇ business presentations
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