SOK x iliveglobally
events & collaborations for expats and English speaking community of Moscow by SOK x iliveglobally
what to expect
about the book
The funniest business book with illustrations 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meeting by brilliant Sarah Cooper

Complete with illustrated tips, examples, and scenarios, 100 Tricks gives you ways to sound smart.

If you work with people or are just thinking about doing that, this book is for you! You will immediately love it and will learn SO much.
further plans
join our community & enjoy our special events and collaborations
◇ a book discussion club, in English
◇ networking events of all kinds
◇ music events, listening sessions and pop-up evenings
◇ retreats
◇ workshops
◇ excursions and art lectures
◇ weekend trips
◇ business presentations
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